Download Course Materials -CT SDP

Course Name : Smart Device Programming Course Code : 6133

slnoModuleContent DetailsDownload Material
1Introduction to Smart Device ProgrammingIntroduction to Smart Device ProgrammingDownload
2Various mobile technologiesVarious mobile technologiesDownload
3Apple IOSApple IOS, Android operating systemDownload
4Install and configure EclipseVarious mobile technologiesDownload
5Install and configure Android studio and sdkInstall and configure Android studio and sdkDownload
6Android virtual deviceAndroid virtual deviceDownload
7Creation of Android Virtual DeviceCreation of Android Virtual DeviceDownload
8Sample Android programSample Android programDownload
9Features of Eclipse and Android StudioFeatures of Eclipse and Android StudioDownload
10First module questions discussionSample questionsDownload
11Operations of Android Virtual DeviceOperations of Android Virtual DeviceDownload
12Activity in AndroidActivity in AndroidDownload
13Life cycle of an activityLife cycle of an activityDownload
14Linking activities using IntentLinking activities using IntentDownload
15Data passing between activities using IntentData passing between activities using IntentDownload
16Android componentsAndroid components : Activities, Services, Broadcast receivers, Content providersDownload
17Sample programsSimple Android application developmentDownload
18Sample programsSimple Android application developmentDownload
19Operations of android virtual machineHardware profile, System image , Torage area , skinDownload
20Operations of android virtual machineCreation of hardware profile , Edit , Import and export of a hardware profile , Run and stop an emulatorDownload
21Activity in androidActivityDownload
22Activity in androidCreation of an activity , Life cycle of an activityDownload
23Life cycle of an activityLife cycle of an activityDownload
25RevisionAndroid activity , operations of AVDDownload
26class testfirst moduleDownload
27IntentIntent types , intent objects and fields , starting an intent with explicit intentDownload
28Data passing between activitiesData passing between activities using intentDownload
29Data passing between activitiesData passing between activities using intentDownload
30Android application componentsAndroid application component – ActivitiesDownload
31Sample programsSample programsDownload
32Sample programsSimple android programsDownload
34Question discussion
Module 3
35Understanding The Components Of A Screen,Views And Viewgroups,Linear LThe basic unit of an Android application is an activity. An activity displays the user interface of your application.A view is a widget that has an appearance on screen.Download
36AbsoluteLayoutThe AbsoluteLayout enables you to specify the exact location of its children.Download
37Table Layout,RelativeLayoutThe TableLayout groups views into rows and columns. You use the element to designate a row in the table. The RelativeLayout enables you to specify how child views are positioned relative to each other.Download
38Framelayout,ScrollviewThe FrameLayout is a placeholder on screen that you can use to display a single view. A ScrollView is a special type of FrameLayout in that it enables users to scroll through a list of views that occupy more space than the physical display.Download
39Designing Your User interface Using Views,BASic vieWS,textview viewVarious view groups are Basic views,Picker views,List views. TextView EditText Button ImageButton CheckBox ToggleButton RadioButton RadioGroup These basic views enable you to display text information, as well as perform some basic selectionDownload
40Listview View ,Gallery And Imageview Views,Imageswitcher,GridviewThe ListView displays a list of items in a vertically scrolling list. The Gallery is a view that shows items (such as images) in a center-locked, horizontal scrolling list.Download
41Using Menus with Views,Creating the Helper MethodsMenus are useful for displaying additional options that are not directly visible on the main UI of an application. There are two main types of menus in Android: Options menu ,Context menu .Download
42Options Menu,Context Menu
Options menu modify the application to display the options menu when the user presses the MENU button on the Android device. A context menu is usually associated with a view on an activity, and it is displayed when the user long clicks an item.Download
43DATA STORAGE IN ANDROID ,Saving And Loading User Preference,Using getPFor Android, there are primarily three basic ways of persisting data: A lightweight mechanism known as shared preferences to save small chunks of data Traditional file systems A relational database management system through the support of SQLite dDownload
44Saving to External Storage (SD Card), Choosing the Best Storage, UsingSometimes, it would be useful to save them to external storage (such as an SD card) because of its larger capacity, as well as the capability to share the files easily with other users (by removing the SD card and passing it to somebody else).Download