Distributed on 24rd March 2022 – @MTI Auditorium, 1.30pm
The Parent Teacher Association has a prominent role in aiding smooth functioning of the college. It provides a common forum for interaction of parents and teachers so as to improve facilities for academic excellence. Meetings are convened to discuss the issues connected with the functioning of the college. Prizes and awards are given by the PTA for meritorious students.
PTA Executive members is elected every year in the beginning of academic session, in a general meeting of Parents and Teachers.The Executive body is entrusted to plan, execute and take necessary decisions for the overall development of the students and college.
Aims and Objectives
- To work for the welfare of the students and the institution and to offer constructive suggestions for the smooth and successful functioning of the college.
- To ensure high academic standards and maintain excellent discipline.
- To foster and promote good relationship among the members of the teaching staff, student and parents of the students.
- To institute scholarships, prizes, medals etc. to benefit students showing high proficiency in their studies.
All parents and teachers automatically become members of the PTA. The members of the Executive Committee of the Association are elected during the annual general body meeting.
The funds of the PTA are maintained in a separate bank account which is operated by the Treasurer with the Principal’s consent.